After graduating with a degree in Psychology, Charlotte spent many years working in Marketing and Events Management across a range of sectors from Higher Education to Financial Services and Charity.
A career break spent travelling through sub-Saharan Africa for three months changed everything - kick-starting her love of travel and desire to work in the industry. Since then, she’s been fortunate enough to have a sabbatical and take some time off between jobs to do further extended periods of travel through South America and New Zealand.
She now tries to make the most of annual leave by exploring and ticking off her ever-increasing ‘must-go’ list, which only seems to be getting longer now since joining Wild Frontiers, learning more about the amazing destinations we visit.
Q: Favourite city?
A: This is a tough one, but I think I’d have to say Havana. It’s such a vibrant, colourful, and lively city and the combination of history, culture, crumbling colonial architecture, salsa rhythms and dirt-cheap mojitos makes for a hard-to-beat combination!
Q: Favourite country?
A: An almost impossible choice! Visiting the Galapagos Islands was an absolute privilege and a once-in-a-lifetime trip that I will remember forever. However, I think my favourite trip would have to be the two months I spent travelling around the north and south islands of New Zealand in a campervan with my partner. I would tell my 21-year-old self to go and live and work there for a few years - the outdoor lifestyle, amazing scenery, friendly people and great coffee make it a perfect match for me. Maybe I’ll retire there instead!
Q: Favourite meal?
A: I enjoy most food, but eating anything in the sunshine at the seaside makes anything taste better.
Q: Most memorable journey?
A: A few years ago, I took part in a sailing race from Australia to China – a journey at sea of around 6 weeks. It was a huge challenge and often in very intense and uncomfortable conditions, but the night watches where we were treated to the perfect combination of clear starry skies, calm waters, and downwind conditions under the spinnaker with bioluminescence glowing in our wake were magical.
Q: Favourite travel advice?
A: Perhaps unsurprisingly working in the Operations team, I tend to try and plan and research everything in advance. However, I think there is a lot to be said about putting down the guidebook and being more spontaneous. Ask locals for advice and follow your nose (sometimes literally!) to find the best experiences.
Q: Next on the must-see list?
A: I would love to go hiking in Patagonia. Being outdoors in the mountains makes me happy.