Honduras Tours & Holidays

Small Group Tours & Tailor-Made Holidays


Often overlooked, Honduras is an intriguing blend of Spanish heritage, Maya culture and indigenous traditions. Teeming with jungle wildlife, Mayan ruins and pristine island beaches, it is one of the largest and most diverse countries in Central America.

Encircled by Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and the Caribbean Sea, the country endured years of political and social strife before its recent drive to open the country up to tourism. Today it can boast miles of dazzling coastline, ...

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Meet the Expert

Speak to Richard to start planning your trip to Honduras

Start your journey

Group tours

Travel to Honduras with like-minded people on one of our small group tours (usually max size 12), featuring knowledgeable local guides and an expert tour leader.



Learn about the Maya at Copan

Learn about the Maya at Copan

Spend a day or two exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Copan ruins with an experienced, private guide to learn all about the Maya civilisation in Latin America. Copan is considered to be one of the continent’s most important archaeological sites.

Visit the colonial town of Gracias

Visit the colonial town of Gracias

Gracias is a picturesque town with dusty, cobbled streets lined with humble colonial buildings. The town’s charming sites can be toured in half a day with the rest of your time free for some hiking in the national park or soaking in the town’s hot springs.

Meet an indigenous community

Meet an indigenous community

Meet an indigenous Lenca community in La Campa municipality for an introduction to their lives and livelihoods. You can learn about the ceramic skills and art used by community members whilst witnessing the production first hand and enjoying a pottery workshop.

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There is no real bad time to go to Honduras, it is a tropical climate with a wet and dry season. The climate varies from the mountainous inland to the Caribbean coast and so the best time to visit for both is February, just after the rains finish. At this time you can expect daytime temperatures to vary from late 20s/early 30’s and night time temperatures to be low double figures. It can be fairly humid year-round and significantly hotter inland.

Meet the expert, Richard

Richard is our Latin America expert, who has travelled extensively in the region.

Speak to Richard by calling
1(833) 200-4640

Though it suffered the infamy of coining the phrase Banana Republic, Honduras is home to a dignified people that attract travellers in love with authenticity that look to venture beyond stereotypes.

LGBTQIA+ Guidance

When planning to travel as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, there may be additional things you wish to consider doing, such as:

  • Speaking to one of our travel experts for information about travelling in your chosen destination and local attitudes towards members of the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Checking the Human Dignity Trust map of countries that criminalise LGBTQIA+ people, which highlights potentially dangerous regions and countries
  • Checking the ‘Local laws and customs’ section of your country's official foreign travel advice page
  • Looking for any updates for your desired destination on the Human Rights Watch LGBTQIA+ rights page
  • Buying a recommended guidebook, as many include an LGBTQIA+ section and advice for LGBTQIA+ travellers


Health and Vaccinations 

There are no mandatory immunisations for travellers to Honduras though you should be up-to-date with Typhoid, Tetanus, Polio and Hepatitis A. Malaria is present in some parts of Honduras so we recommend you seek advice from your local GP or travel centre as to the correct immunisations and preventative treatments.  


In Honduras the official unit of currency is the Lempira.  

To check out the latest exchange rate for the places that you are visiting you can go to www.oanda.com

Cultural Sensitivity 

On our tours you will frequently interact with local people, each with their own distinct customs and traditions. We therefore ask you to be considerate and to treat them with respect. Your tour-leaders and guides will always be able to advise you accordingly.  

In the churches and cathedrals women should cover their heads with a scarf or hat and also cover their shoulders, while men should take their hats off.   

Language & Religion 

In Honduras the major language is Spanish but there are also several Mayan indigenous languages in use. English is spoken in some of the more heavily visited tourist sites but any Spanish you can learn beforehand will be very useful.   

Catholicism is the major religion in the country but Evangelism is on the increase. Many Hondurans combine ancient Mayan beliefs almost seamlessly with Christianity and the result can be a very interesting mix!  


Honduras is 6hrs behind GMT.  

A useful website to check the time zone differences is www.worldtimezone.com.  

Food and drink 

As with much of Central America, Honduran food heavily features tortillas made from maize, however rice and potatoes are also important staples and are available in most places. Frijoles (or black beans) are also predominant and will be found accompanying many dishes. In the more popular areas, a wide variety of international cuisine can be found but there will still be many opportunities to sample traditional local food.  

Excellent coffee is available everywhere and local beers such as Gallo & Cabro are very drinkable. Imported wine is available in some of the more international establishments but be prepared for this to come at an international price.